The original Star Control (subtitled Famous Battles of the Ur-Quan Conflict, Volume IV) was a simple two-player turn-based strategy game, where you play as either the Alliance of Free Stars or the Ur-Quan Hierarchy in one of nine (15 in the Sega Genesis version) scenarios, building colonies, mines, and attack ships in a trippy-looking star cluster map. Stardock strongarmed GOG into giving them the revenue from sales of Star Control I & II instead of Toys For Bob/Paul Reiche III and Fred Ford, so feel free to pirate the shit out of them. What the fuck are you waiting for? Go play it. Both games in the series are legendary for their strategic gameplay, killer music, high-quality (for the time) graphics, Erol Fucking Otus doing the artwork with such graphics (hey, we needed a /tg/ link here), shockingly deep background, and endlessly entertaining multiplayer. Their plots revolve around the struggle between the cultures of the known galaxy and the militant Ur-Quan Hierarchy of Battle Thralls. Star Control is a series of science fiction adventure video games developed by Toys for Bob, back when they did something other than make overpriced Happy Meal toys to scam children with. This wiki-page speaks with the voice and authority of the Ur-Quan! Make sure your rose-tinted glasses are on nice and tight, and prepare for a lovely walk down nostalgia lane. This article or section is about something oldschool - and awesome.